Long lines formed along the exterior of the Greek Theater in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 15th as Critters, dressed in their finest Critical Role-inspired cosplay, await to enter the venue for Bells Hells’ first live show. Critical Role’s third campaign may be the most expansive one yet, with mini-campaigns of Exandria Unlimited to further flush out the stories and worldbuilding.
The live show includes a Q&A with the cast, moderated by Dimension 20‘s Brennan Lee Mulligan. When asked about what it was like for their campaign 3 characters to be in Aeor, while having the memory and knowledge of what they’ve learned in the previous campaign, Liam O’Brien says, “I have to bite my tongue constantly,” whose campaign 2 character Caleb has a vast knowledge of the arcane. Marisha Ray chimes in, “It’s so complicated because we have all of the knowledge of all the three campaigns, and we’re also in production on [The Legend of] Vox Machina and Mighty Nein, our animated shows, at the same time. And in the evenings, we go and record Bells Hells, so it’s like Momento all the time.”

The following contains spoilers for episode 98 of campaign three.
The live show begins with the cast’s entrance. The audience exploded with excitement and cheers as they each made their way onto the stage, showing off their costume for the evening. Travis Willingham’s Chutney-inspired tracksuit was the most memorable, with his character’s catchphrase “RTA” (Respect The Alpha) across his pants. Marisha Ray, Laura Bailey, and Ashley Johnson were stunning in their character-inspired attire.
Once seated, DM Matt Mercer’s captivating storytelling takes both players and audiences into the world of Bells Hells, where the players face off against the grand demon Dominox. As the dice rolls would have it, there were many twists and turns throughout the evening, but one of the highlights of the show was Sam Riegel’s return. Cladded in a sequin suit, Riegel introduced his new character Braius Doomseed – a level 14 Paladin/Bard Minotaur.
The biggest shock of the evening came post boss battle. Campaign three baddie Ludnius Da’leth informs Bells Hells of his plans for the Gods and that he can access pre-Calamity memories. At this moment, Brennan Lee Mulligan enters the stage as Matt Mercer vacates his DM seat, where Mulligan says, “Our story begins at the ending of the infinite, at the doom that pierced eternity, fractured images of a lost world, of the ones who lost it. Remember now a place which was not less, but rather more than real. Remember tragedy, betrayal, calamity, downfall. In the recording of this memory may the answer to many questions lie, but one question yet, and shall forevermore remain: Is it Thursday yet?”
This teases the upcoming three-part special that’ll be set over a century into The Calamity. The first episode of the special series will premiere on Thursday, July 11.
How Does Being At A Live Show Compare To Watching From Home?
Being in the audience for this live show was an amazing experience. The energy felt similar to that of a concert or sporting event, with Critter showing up in their finest Bells Hells cosplay. It’s like hanging out in a (really big) living room with hundreds of your friends, watching your favorite tabletop roleplay group play. Best of all, it felt like a safe space for the fans to celebrate what they love.
Check out the video below for our full coverage: